Happy New Year!

If you like fireworks, you’ll like India. 

Firecrackers (called just crackers) are the noisemaker of choice during any kind of celebration. And there seems to be some kind of celebration going on every week of the year. As a happy result, chest-thumpingly loud fireworks are available almost  anywhere. 

In the United States, an M-80 firecracker is legally limited to 50 milligrams of flashpowder. Enough to make a fairly loud “Pap!”  In the early 1960’s, M-80s contained 3000 milligrams (not a typo) and sounded like you’d fired a naval cannon.

While not quite on that level, Indian “chocolate bombs” make a satisfyingly deep “POOM!” Two or three of which are enough to make an elephant lose all interest in your rice field. (This I have  seen myself.)

I asked my taxi driver where I could get a nice, flashy aerial bomb for News Year’s Eve.  He pulled over almost as soon as the words were out of my mouth and took me to the nearest of the many, many little shops that stand side by side on the outskirts of town.  There, one could buy potato chips, milk, cigarettes or nice, flashy aerial bombs. I bought 6 shells for 900 rupees (about 12 bucks). Same price one shell would cost in Wisconsin. If you can make this video play, you’ll see I got my money’s worth. 


If you can’t, and you’re still interested, here’s a link that should do the trick: https://photos.app.goo.gl/1YJJGw52ju4Zjk6M8

If neither of those work, forget it – you’ve seen fireworks before,